What I’m Reading Lately – Mon 6 IV 2020

  1. If you are Malaysian and you have loans to pay, this is a good read.
  2. When people are angry and frustrated at their political leaders (whether rightly or wrongly), there often comes a time when the finger-pointing leads the public to assign (usually disproportionate) blame to the leaders’ advisors (especially when public criticism of the leader invites punishment): the Tsar’s Rasputin, the recent fascination with Dominic Cummings amongst Guardian columnists, and Pak Lah’s own Fourth Floor are examples of this. It seems Trump now has his “Slim Suit crowd” as another target for the wrath of the many people who cannot wait to vote him out in November.
  3. Some times I wonder: are Malaysian politicians just really unlucky? Were they tripped up by hapless advisors (see my earlier point above)? Or were they sabotaged by hidden hands? Or maybe Ockham was right, and the simplest explanation is like the most correct: that we just have too many inept folks in our political class.