On The Call of the Machine

Most days, you will hear it as a whispered breeze
Passing through the tall trees of your daily existence
Seducing you with its gentle caress
And sometimes, on days like today
The song becomes a deafening roar in your ear
Pulling at your hand
Tugging at your heart
Screaming in your face:
Surrender to the machine!
Submit to the call!
Obey obey obey!

On Staying Calm

Calm down. Relax.
No one is looking. 
Everyone else is busy
Fretting over their own lives,
Their own dreams and conceits and vanities
To notice what you just said,
Or the existential angst
That burns like midnight fire
Through each line
Of that LinkedIn post that you just wrote. 

On The Fish Pond

Like little flickering flames
Dancing within the depths of a mirror
The little red fishies evade the
Staccato swishes
Of my tender ten-year old fingers
Roiling the surface of the fish pond
Like the clumsy clowning of an errant god.