Today’s Three Things V

  1. Many Malaysians have been complaining about a lack of direction for the Malaysian economy. Today, PM Anwar Ibrahim announced his vision: Ekonomi Madani, Memperkasa Rakyat. The announcement itself is worthy of dissection, which I hope to find time to do some time soon. For now, I can say this: I like the level of Ambition. Top 30 economy in the World! Now, we await the details of how we are supposed to get there.
  2. Anyone who knows some basic amount of physics would know that room-temperature superconductivity is a Holy Grail that could change the way we live. Is LK-99 the new material that would take Moore’ Law to the next level? Some folks are skeptical.
  3. This is the kind of level of Ambition that is needed to take Malaysia to Top 30. One Gigawatts! (And am I the only one here who suddenly thought: hey that sounds familiar!)