#440 On Politesse

With open heart I reach past smiles contrived
To venture past the void of hearts unknown
To pierce into the place where lives are lived
To risk unproven friendships overthrown
My olive branch not overtly dismissed
But glanced aside with mannerly resist.

#433 On Echoes of Friendships Past

Our friendships echo loud through muddled Time
And even in the darkest night, alone
The memories come alive in gentle rhyme
For all our sins, these warm ties do atone
And even though our lives now barely meet
I treasure this: no lies, no bald conceit.

#429 Tentang Sang Pekerja Asing di Klinik Kucing

Dua tangannya berurat kuat
Merangkul erat sang kucing manja
Senyum redup pada wajah kesat

Menguntum rahman pada binarnya
Mata yang sering lama terkusam
Dulu pudar, kini bercahaya

Pada hidup yang lama terkelam
Kini sinar tenang gah tersulam.

#426 On Curses

I curse you. 
I curse you for the smearing of our good names.
For your insinuations.
For your callous determination, to destroy our good works.
For your cowardice, in hiding behind the veil of power
to push us off the precipice.

I curse you, in this blessed month of Ramadan.

May your aims all go awry.
May your works crumble into ash.
May your evil doings find their way back to you,
transmuted into evils committed unto you.
May the miseries you inflict on others,
be heaped unto you in series a millionfold.

I curse you, and may God curse you too.