#426 On Curses

I curse you. 
I curse you for the smearing of our good names.
For your insinuations.
For your callous determination, to destroy our good works.
For your cowardice, in hiding behind the veil of power
to push us off the precipice.

I curse you, in this blessed month of Ramadan.

May your aims all go awry.
May your works crumble into ash.
May your evil doings find their way back to you,
transmuted into evils committed unto you.
May the miseries you inflict on others,
be heaped unto you in series a millionfold.

I curse you, and may God curse you too.

#424 Tentang Busuk Hati

Walau pangkatmu setinggi mana
Walau kuasamu menakluk buana
Walau darjatmu berpayung takhta
Walau masyhurmu semerbak bunga

Kalau jahat tetap terlihat
Kalau busuk pasti terciduk
Kalau bodoh terpamer sungguh
Selamanya tetap terkutuk.

#423 Tentang Kerambangan Mata di Bulan Ramadan

Gulai daging dan ayam kurma
Ayam goreng berdamping sambal
Kari ayam dan kuah dalca
Ikan keli dan ikan bawal

Pulut panggang, karipap daging
Gado gado berkuah kacang
Sayur kacang dihiris ramping
Kari kambing merbak terhidang

Kueteow goreng dan macaroni
Nasi lemak dan asam laksa
Rambang mata tercuit hati
Pilih satu, pilih semua?

#421 On My Pocketful of Prayer

In silent hours of early morn I wait
As coming dawn presages Life’s rude trials
I lie awake, regarding Fortune’s bait
These dwindling hours deride my fraught denials
I must away to face Life’s ruthless glare
No sword, no shield, just pocketful of prayer.